Another excellent and helpful reply, Wasa Once!
Many thanks.
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Another excellent and helpful reply, Wasa Once!
Many thanks.
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Thank you, millie210:
That was beautifully put. Regardless of how we respond, there does remain the reality -- or non-reality -- of the efficacy of prayer. I see you, millie, as wishing to comfort the sorrowing, troubled person. You don't need to think it through and then give a labored explanation to that poor friend who asks you for help.
Blessings and peace.
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Thanks, smiddy and Mr. Flipper, for your positive and practical thoughts. Yes, being a sympathetic and available friend is what matters. All too often, my mantra had been "wait on Jehovah."
Just the other day I told another friend how the scripture in Chronicles re: Jehoshaphat's eyes being toward Jehovah meant so much to me. Whether you're surrounded by pagan armies or a mountain of unsolvable problems, it's natural to look to a higher source. I guess that's how we're wired. The story of how I learned those verses is a story all by itself. But the so-called power of prayer?
You fellows answered that.
Thanks and happy trails!
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Thanks, Lois.
That is really sad. Sorry for your cousin (once removed?), who could have been comforted if your dad had shown a little compassion and bent the JW rules.
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Greetings, Friends:
Today, I saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her. Family problems were eating her up.
How have you responded if and when you were asked this? Obviously, the friend making such a request thinks YOUR prayers would be effective on his or her behalf. Of course, how we respond today is far different from how we used to respond as JWs. Witnesses are peculiar about praying for anyone outside the fold.
strangely, a cool sense of tranquility washes over me as i come out of my reverie, my black reminiscence.
i look out my window to the street below.. the vision of youthful ideals embodied in vaporous blur upon the pavement has evaporated.
gone for the moment but sure to return as an untold want, a wish for explanation: why did it all go so terribly wrong?
Strangely, a cool sense of tranquility washes over me as I come out of my reverie, my black reminiscence. I look out my window to the street below.
The vision of youthful ideals embodied in vaporous blur upon the pavement has evaporated. Gone for the moment but sure to return as an untold want, a wish for explanation: why did it all go so terribly wrong? I shut it out, shut out irrational thought, excessive thinking, which leads to depression . . . to insanity.
I pull away from the window, shut it tight against the chilly predawn air, and forget my dark reflection. It's only a phantom, scarcely the real me. I leave my letted room and shut the door behind me. A walk in the moonlight will do me good. I will see my inner turmoil in a new light, the softly suffused illumination della bella luna. The black shadow of the walking dead, cast upon the asphalt by the gracious moon, will be my companion.
Chilled to the bone, I put aside all personal comfort.
I tread my way slowly, reverentially, to the frosty view above that patiently awaits me. Full, round, gleaming is beauty supernal: my exquisite, my lovely Moon. I wish to touch her but am overwhelmed by giant sentinels whose barren arms stretch with desperate longing toward her. For all their height, those statuesque trees are no more able to caress her silvery face than I. The eternal, unrequited pining for what is enthroned on high.
I seek something, someone on high to tell me who I am and where I am going, but it is a thankless and lonely quest. The lunar queen has no spoken answer, perhaps, yet her presence comforts me as none other can.
I travel the worn roads of land and mind . . .
this place -- unknown to all but me -- has become my refuge.. at last, i have discovered a tiny spot out in the open -- i love open spaces -- where no one can see me.
it is beautiful here while i watch people walk to and fro past me; yet, i am unseen.
i yammer giddily at them, but they are completely oblivious to my presence, my antics, my mock plaints.. i laugh, but they do not laugh with me because they do not see the joke.
Beyond my own thoughts, LV101, you have given me a lot more to chew on! Yes, the anonymity of cyberspace. We have found a haven within the maelstrom.
Invisibility -- a gift.
So well put!
this place -- unknown to all but me -- has become my refuge.. at last, i have discovered a tiny spot out in the open -- i love open spaces -- where no one can see me.
it is beautiful here while i watch people walk to and fro past me; yet, i am unseen.
i yammer giddily at them, but they are completely oblivious to my presence, my antics, my mock plaints.. i laugh, but they do not laugh with me because they do not see the joke.
This place -- unknown to all but me -- has become my refuge.
At last, I have discovered a tiny spot out in the open -- I love open spaces -- where no one can see me. It is beautiful here while I watch people walk to and fro past me; yet, I am unseen. I yammer giddily at them, but they are completely oblivious to my presence, my antics, my mock plaints.
I laugh, but they do not laugh with me because they do not see the joke. They do not see me. At last, at long last, it is all right. At peace within, at peace without.
I asked for anonymity, and it has been granted. I come to this busy thoroughfare of life and all her attendant beauties and vulgarities. I am here but no one sees me; therefore, no one rebukes me nor praises me nor gets involved. This is how I like it.
I watch the crowd, but they are unaware . . .
So totally unaware. . . .
my escape from a home beloved was of sheer and unqualified necessity.
my people and i have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent towards us is not one of beneficent intervention, but that of utter conquest.. if it were only the mere subjugation of a weaker species, we might have acquiesced, although begrudgingly.
however, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us proved to be the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh.
An open door beckons, urging escape from my prison.
I stand at the threshold of promised freedom yet
cannot cross my mind's blockade.
I see Spring's newly leafed oaks, their canopy
glistening and swaying,
The forsythia and flowering quince all
abloom, yet . . .
Here I shall remain in my chosen
Dreaming of what I love yet fain
can own.
heavy, heavy upon my failing heart weighs .
your aching need for my full and loving devotion.. i spend myself willingly on your behalf because,.
truly, your needs and wishes outstrip my own.. if i were young and wiry man, for you .
What is this wall, like brick and mortar, that separates
your proud heart from mine contrite and broken?
At one time -- I recall so very well -- your soul
and spirit were joined in joy to mine.
You are near me -- how clearly I see you --
yet your eyes are miles away . . .
So, too, your wandering heart that
has left mine destroyed. . . .